Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back to back...belly to belly!

Well, recently I was baptized, which has prompted Granny to call me "The Sanctified Dumpling". But even more recently, I decided to stop looking UP at the world all the time, and to start looking AT. Therefore, I proudly announce that I am rolling onto my tummy from my back all the time now! YAY ME!

Here's a picture of me (on said tummy) and my brother Connor. We are getting awfully good at posing together.


Erin said...

So is that Connor saying "YEOUCH! Stop rolling over onto my hand, little bro!" to you in that awesome picture? Not very sanctified of you, pinning your big brother like that :) -- love, Aunt Erin

meeegan said...

Roll on, S. Dumpling!
Auntie Megan

Tripp Hudgins said...

Santified Dumpling! Excellent.

You know, the exasperated look on Connor's face is fabulous.